Leading Around the World
As the world’s leading designer and builder of storage facilities, tanks and terminals, CB&I delivers robust and reliable solutions for customers across every continent.
We specialize in building high-performance tanks and pressure vessels that store crude oil and refined products, liquefied gases, petrochemicals and specialty chemical products. We have the customer trust and expertise to do what it takes to tackle even the most complex energy infrastructure projects.
Confidence from Experience
We offer turnkey design and construction services for terminals that handle a wide variety of liquids and have successfully executed projects in some of the most challenging locations in the world. We have built more than 100 ambient storage terminals, over 1,000 refrigerated storage tanks and spheres, and more than 150 turnkey liquefied gas terminals.

A More Efficient Approach
Our contracting approach ensures efficiency and budget control. At every step in the process, we work closely with our customers to select the facility design and supply options with the final contract development. As a result, customers save time and money by eliminating the need to prepare specifications, obtain quotations and evaluate bids.

Agriculture, Mining & Manufacturing
A thorough understanding of the mechanical loading conditions and unique properties of granular products make us an ideal partner for granular storage construction.

Bulk Terminals
Our unique ability to integrate process technology design decisions with storage concept selection ensures the best facility configuration and pricing for our customers.

We provide storage and related facilities for chemical plants as well as oil refineries and facilities where synthetic gas is used to produce ammonia and methanol.

LNG & Natural Gas
We design solutions in the form of a tank or sphere to store natural gas liquids and other by-products generated through the various phases of the natural gas life cycle.

Oil & Gas
Our storage systems and terminals help customers balance short-term demand fluctuations while providing an additional source of supply in the case of a supply disruption.

Power & Nuclear
CB&I combines unmatched experience with cutting-edge welding techniques and construction processes to deliver nuclear components of superior quality and efficiency.

Stored Energy
Our solutions capture, convert and store energy that may otherwise be wasted, helping our customers achieve their sustainability targets and supporting the energy transition.

Water & Wastewater
Our solutions extend from water and wastewater treatment to potable water storage, biogas generation, processing and storage as well as associated systems.